Wednesday, August 15, 2007

2007 Book Summit Agenda

1. AGENDA. This year the Book Summit will focus on two specific areas.
The Internet: its impact on publishers and
The Internet: its impact on marketing/distribution.
One is scheduled for the morning and the other will be addressed in the afternoon.

A. The impact of the Internet on Publishers.
Chaired by Bill Frank.

· How electronic media is best being used to promote books.
o eGallies, video book trailers, virtual book tours, blogs, ezines, and listservs.
o Social networks, wikis, user-generated content
· The impact of Web 2.0 technologies
o “Conversations evaporate.” How does a publisher keep the conversation alive about a book in a Web 2.0 world?
· The affect of digital printing, ebooks, audio books and audio downloads?
o Disney & Scholastic are launching an ebook test for young children.
· The future of non-fiction in the face of Online Search Engine growth?
· The future of fiction in the face of online entertainment.
o How to make fiction compete with the various other forms of entertainment available to readers
o Why are comic book sales and anime growing despite free video content available on the web?
· What impact is there on the industry when online book reviewers charge to review a book?
· And more

"I think in general, these publishers are resistant to change and resistant to innovation. Our advice to publishers would be to digitize everything they have. It's the new independent publishers who are going to exploit this opportunity."
—Steve Riggio, CEO, Barnes & Noble,
at ePubExpo, November 2000.

B. Impact of the Internet on Distribution, Sales & Marketing.
Chaired by Eric Kampmann

· How are distributors maximizing the Internet.
o Tapping into Internet revenue & capturing more sales in the long tail
· Web-based booksellers versus bricks & mortar outlets
o Amazon’s 10-15 marketing programs available, 1-click ordering on purchases, etc.
o Compare in-store promotion models versus online promotion strategies.
· And more

2. BRIAN JUD INTRODUCES BOOK CENTRAL STATION with listings of more than 3000 publishing suppliers in 23 categories including designers, editors, distributors, printers, publicists, reviewers – rated and reviewed by previous clients. You can also download special reports, booklets and eBooklets with thousands of tips on marketing strategy, planning, pricing, distribution and publicity. Plus there are links to TV and radio shows, bookstores, libraries, associations, trade shows and special-sales leads.

This is a paid subscription service but you can try it at no charge for two weeks. See For more information go to or contact Brian Jud, P O Box 715, Avon, CT, 06001- 0715; Phone (800) 562 - 4357 or email
Brian Jud is a member of your Book Summit team.

3. BOOK PUBLISHING NEWSFEED. Get the latest in publishing news throughout the day—as it happens. The news comes to you. Subscribe to Greenleaf Book Group’s Big Bad Book Blog RSS Feed.

4. BOOK SUMMIT TEAM HIGHLIGHT. One member of our team is:
Eric Kampmann entered book publishing through an entry level sales position at the Viking Press in 1970. He was promoted to Assistant Sales Manager and then in 1974 moved on to St. Martin’s Press as Director of Sales. In 1977 Eric moved to Simon & Schuster as National Sales Manager where he focused his energy on building a sales organization that could deal with the significant sales growth at S & S. In 1980, he was promoted to the position of Vice President, Director of Sales.

Eric has worked with independent publishers since 1981, first as the President of Kampmann & Company, then as one of the architects who engineered National Book Network’s growth in the early 1990’s. Eric is currently the President of Midpoint Trade Books, Inc., a sales and distribution company for independent publishers, which was founded in 1996 by Eric and his two Partners.

Eric is the author of The Book Publishers Handbook: The 7 Keys to Publishing Success to be published for the book trade by Beaufort Books, Inc. in May 2007. Eric has also taught book publishing courses at Harvard, Columbia, Hofstra and New York University. He has also served on panels at PMA University, SPAN, and other venues.

5. BOOK SUMMIT WEB SITE UPDATED. Even more changes due soon. See

Third Annual Book Summit: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at the NYCIP (same venue) in New York.

See photos on past Summits as well as information on the next one.

Book Summit Team
Dan Poynter,
Bill Frank,
Brian Jud,
Eric Kampmann,
John Harnish,
Marianne Bohr,
Penny Sansevieri,
Tom Gregory,


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